How to Choose a Hosting Provider

How to Choose a Hosting Provider

When choosing hosting for your website, you undoubtedly expect reliable performance. You can say that it's like laying a solid foundation for your future project. The company has prepared some interesting offers for you. In the meantime, let's look at what to pay attention to.

Hosting Selection Features

Hosting can be either paid or free. But for a serious project, only the paid option is suitable. It has all the characteristics and capabilities necessary for stable operation.

Free hosting is suitable when you're creating a small project. For example, if you need a business card website or a landing page, such projects can be hosted for free. However, technical support is unlikely to be top-notch. There are also significant limitations in functionality, and even essential functions are often missing. Therefore, it is better to find an inexpensive option but get fairly stable performance.

Types of Hosting

Hosting can be roughly divided into the following groups:

  • Shared Hosting;
  • Virtual Private Server (VPS);
  • Dedicated Server.

It is impossible to say unequivocally which type is better, as it is chosen for specific tasks.

Features of Shared Hosting

Shared hosting is the most affordable option. It will be limited in functionality, but for many tasks, it will be enough. If you plan to have up to 1000–1500 visitors per day, shared hosting will be sufficient. This option is ideal for those just starting their online store. If necessary, you can later switch to a VPS.

An additional advantage is that you will hardly need technical knowledge. Managing shared hosting is easy because the company providing the services does most of the work.

However, there are some downsides. Since you only get a part of the server, an increased load on one of the other websites hosted on it will also affect your project. Additionally, resources may be limited, and you won’t be able to install your own software.

Features of a Virtual Private Server (VPS)

A VPS offers more possibilities. It is suitable when you expect traffic from 1000 to 30,000 visitors per day. You will get more disk space and computing power.

You will notice several advantages:

  • You can install the necessary software;
  • You will be provided with more autonomy.

However, a VPS is more expensive, and you will need more knowledge to manage it. Also, it sometimes happens that customer software is incompatible with the operating system.

What to Know About a Dedicated Server

A dedicated server is the optimal choice for large projects. Essentially, you rent an entire computer. You can install any program on it, but the level of technical knowledge should be appropriate. Such options are chosen for very large projects, such as marketplaces.