CPU test of Intel Atom E3805 in 0 Benchmarks. Specifications: The architecture is Bay Trail , the number of cores is 2, and the number of threads is 2. The base clock speed of Intel Atom E3805 is 1.33 GHz. The model supports motherboards with a socket of BGA 1170. The Supported Memory Type is DDR3L-1066 SO-DIMM (maximum 8 GB). PCIe version is 2.0 x 4.
Make sure you know the following nuances:
- What is the best specs for CPU;
- How do you read CPU specs;
- What is the fastest CPU specification speed.
Figure out what the strongest processor is and choose the best one for gaming and programming. Which processor is best for computer science students, for gamers, for work from home? This is a rather loaded question, but you'll find an answer.